WrestleKingdom 14 Preview

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Written By DonaldMoon

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January 4th is dependent upon uswhich means New Japan’s Biggest series of this season is well. Because most Brand New Japan supporters understand, January 4th will be your day for WrestleKingdom. Before it had been termed WrestleKingdom, the occasion was encouraged since their main occasion and was kept at the world-famous Tokyo do me.

Last Calendar Year, WrestleKingdom Is Likely to Be a two-day Occasion. No official cause was granted, but not one is truly wanted . Maybe not just is it added tickets but nevertheless, it might also imply just two three-hour demonstrates rather than a six-plus hour series.

Whatever the scenario, WrestleKingdom can be really actually just a real time affair. Night You will soon probably likely be headlined using the IWGP Heavyweight along with also IWGP Inter Continental Championship matches. The champions of these different games will match Night 2 to ascertain the double winner. In addition, the mythical Jyushin Thunder Liger will wrestler the last games of the livelihood.

January 4

Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Yuya Uemura, & Yota Tsuji vs. Toa Henare, Alex Coughlin, Clark Connors, & Karl Fredericks — Coughlin, Connors, also Fredericks are from the Manhunter Dojo, whereas Uemura and also Tsuji are graduates of their Brand New Japan Dojo. Fredericks won this calendar year’s youthful Lion’s Cup. Standard logic in youthful Li On Matches could be your celebrity wins that are established. Inside this instance, Makabe might be acquiring the snare with all the King Kong Knee decline.

PREDICTION: Makabe, Honma, Tsuji, & Uemura

Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Manabu Nakanishi & Yuji Nagata — The most united era of most of these wrestlers nearly strike 200. This wont be some game of this season offender, however nevertheless, it is going to likely be enjoyable.

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Jyushin Thunder Liger, Tatsumi Fujinami, ” The Fantastic Sasuke, & Tiger Mask IV w/ El Samurai vs. Ryusuke Taguchi, Tatsuhito Takaiwa, Shinjiro Ootani, & Kaoki San O w/Kuniaki Kobayashi — certainly, you read this right, Tatsumi Fujinami is wrestling within this game. When I know Japanese wrestling doctrine that the introverted individual infrequently has got the triumph . I be expecting Liger’s workforce not to just lose however to get Liger to select the snare down.

PREDICTION: Workforce Taguchi

Los Ingobernables D-e Japon (SANADA, EVIL, BUSHI, & Shingo Takagi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr.. El Desperado, ” & tai-chi ) — Sabre could be your R-Evolution Guru Undisputed British Heavyweight Champion and certainly will shield the name the following day contrary to SANADA, therefore it’d not be overly astonishing to watch that his team capture the triumph. Modern day American logic (ie,” W we ) will be the man or woman winning that the name function as the man or woman becoming trapped inside this game. As well as, I presume there might be described as a couple on-going stories within these 2 evenings, and also a few involves LIJ setting dominance. While that’s maybe perhaps not required to allow them to secure this particular game to prove it would undoubtedly benefit.


CHAOS (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano, & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. Bullet Club (KENTA, bad-luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi, & Chase Owens) — Still another label game made from gift which is going to be included in name games over another nighttime. Just enjoy the last game, there’s a name game on nighttime Two entailed. This really is go-to hard KENTA for your own in no way Openwight Championship. And , such as the Prior game, the challenger Will Probably seem powerful on Evening Time 1 Particular

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IWGP Heavy-weight TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: The Guerrillas Of future (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)(do ) vs. Juice Robinson & David Finlay — FinJuice, or even anything their official title would be, won the World Tag League a month, and that made this name game. Traditionallythe World Tage League champions catch the name at WrestleKingdom. This might be the entire season at which that series has been busted up. More importantly after.