Sporting Activities Conducted Outdoors

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Written By DonaldMoon

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People involve themselves in sporting activities either for leisure, as a hobby or because of their keen interest in it. If you feel the need to be energized then the most sought-after recreational activity is sporting. Sports also make you active and provide you with refreshing liveliness. Concentrating completely on work and they were taking out time to relax brings in the party and makes you dull. Sporting activities help in keeping you fit and healthy. There are number of individuals who play just because they are interested in the game or play sports because it is their hobby. However, others consider sports as a career itself.

People residing in different countries have different tastes when it comes to sports just like how the taste for food changes from country to country. People are different and that is exactly why the choice of sports also is different. For example people in India die for cricket parents and Americans are more inclined to watch baseball and basketball.

The sports played on the field are termed as outdoor sports. Sports such as hockey, rugby, cricket, baseball, cycling and athletics are all outdoor sports.

There are a lot of outdoor sports that includes but is not limited to cricket, hockey, cycling, golfing, skateboarding etc. a few of them are described below,

Cricket is an amusing sport that people equally love to play as well as watch and enjoy. It is called a team sport because there are two teams playing against each other. Cricket is played to the motive of winning and therefore is competitive in nature. Two teams compete against each other with the sole intention of winning.

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Hockey is another type of team sport played between two teams. It is a game played on a field and is very popular around many countries. Earning a goal is the main motive of players and this is done by trying to put the ball in the opponent’s court.

Hunting, fishing and shooting are also considered as field sports.

One of the most recreational activities which is also considered a field sport is cycling. Cycling can be an activity that you carry out for racing purposes, sightseeing or even taking a tour. Youngsters also enjoy mountain biking which is another form of cycling.

Golfing which is commonly known as the rich man’s game needs a lot of stamina and resistance to play. Golfing, though looks easy requires a lot of skills.

A sport in which the player races at high speeds from the top of mountains on snow using skates is called as skateboarding. Being an urban sport, skateboarding is extreme and can be dangerous too.

Outdoor sporting activities are enjoyed equally by men and women and are considered thrilling as well as exciting. Thrill and excitement is the part of growing up for the youngsters and therefore they love such activities and sports.