New Air Force Basic Training Fitness Standards

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Written By DonaldMoon

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In the past basic training fitness standards were different than the fitness standards of the operational Air Force. However, that is no longer the case. The fitness test trainees are required to pass at the end of basic training is the same fitness test that Airmen are required to pass throughout their Air Force career on an annual basis.

The new fitness test is still comprised of the three basic activities –

  1. Push-ups
  2. Sit-ups
  3. Running

However there is now an added requirement – the measurement of the waist. While it is true that the new fitness test is also based on age, the lowest age bracket in the test is 29 years and younger. Because the cut off age for someone starting Air Force basic training is 28 years old, everyone at basic training will be scored with the same standards.

One of the major changes to the fitness test is the scoring system itself. Previously each activities score was counted separately. Now the scores from each activity are combined to determine the final score. The lowest cumulative score required to pass the fitness test is a 75%. With the old system it was possible to meet the minimum requirements in each activity and pass the test overall. That is no longer the case. Because the new system is based on a cumulative score off all activities, meeting the minimum in each activity is actually a failing score.

Below is a chart showing the score required in each activity to pass the new fitness test with a 75%.

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Activity Male Standards Female Standards
1.5 Mile Run 12:54 15:21
Push-Ups 44 27
Sit-Ups 46 42
Abdominal Circumference 37.5 34

While the above chart shows the minimum numbers required to pass the fitness test, it is recommended that anyone preparing for basic training aim to pass above the minimum standards. You can find compete fitness charts for the new test, along with a proven pre-basic training fitness plan, in the newly revised  2nd edition of The Ultimate Air Force Basic Training Guidebook.