Head Tennis Rackets

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Written By DonaldMoon

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HEAD tennis rackets are designed and fabricated by the HEAD Company Inc., who are a sports and sports clothing company perhaps best known for their alpine skis in addition to their tennis rackets. The business has its headquarters in Seattle, Washington at the USA’s east.

From the late 1960’s Howard Head invented the idea to strengthen the present wooden tennis racket by utilizing an aluminum frame and with that came the birth of the HEAD Tennis Division. It was an invention that was adapted into the tennis rackets of high professional layers and the first aluminium framed racket was performed in the 1969 US Tennis Open. Fast forward almost 25 years and HEAD proved again in the forefront of tennis technological advancement by producing the very first titanium and graphite racket.

In today’s game HEAD rackets are used by a plethora of the greatest names on both the men’s and women’s professional tours. Where top of an standing for the total amount of success attained playing with their rackets so that HEAD. In actuality, about 30 percent around the world ATP Tour of the top 100 players are equipped with a HEAD tennis racket.

Head Racket Rebels, as they’re’affectionately’ known, include current US Open Champion Andy Murray, (the Scottish celebrity who has slowly but surely put British tennis on the map), present Australian Open Champion and’two handed backhand King,’ Novak Djokovic, and the current women’s French Open winner Maria Sharapova. These celebrities, among others, work hard to enhance the profile of the HEAD brand and have a massive and committed group of developers and innovators behind them to make sure they remain on top of the game.

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However, occasionally strong rackets can become too strong in the wrong hands. The racket has one big sweet spot which almost ensures you will hit the sweet spot every time. This may be problematic for gamers who already have a whole lot of pure power, as it may cause your game to go down hill and even harm because of dangerous vibrations in the long run.

The massive frame also suggests that control is raised but it may also indicate a rise in complacency. As stated earlier, some players are duped into believing a bigger frame means they don’t need to put in as much effort into focusing on hitting the ball, nor as much effort to the basic fundamentals of the sport of tennis.

This premise is wrong of course, as many gamers will end up hitting the ball on the framework since they’re relying on the tennis racket to do the job for them. As a tennis player of any ability level, it’s important not to get caught up in the hype of the latest and greatest products.

The assortment of rackets available from HEAD encompasses all levels of skill and also contains a junior variety. The various ranges cater to every person by providing rackets of different sizes, weights and series composition which allows players to locate a perfect racket to match their ability and preferences. Many incorporate the worlds lightest and strongest material, Graphene™ which allows the racket to attain optimal distribution of weight and enables speed and accuracy. Rackets can be weighted differently for more competitive players and equally for gamers that prefer the subtleties of spin and accuracy. The weights and sizes are also aimed at both sexes, with smaller versions being especially designed for junior players too, allowing all to discover a perfect HEAD tennis racket to help improve and perfect your game.

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