10 Expert Tips for Avoiding Common Sports Injuries

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Written By DonaldMoon

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Being an exhilarating and awe-inspiring field doesn’t make sports an invincible world. One common downside of playing sports is the high susceptibility of the players to injuries. Being limited by injuries is not something any sports enthusiast would wish for.

This scenario can be prevented in its entirety if you are careful about the training rules and adhere to appropriate precautionary measures. Granted injuries are an inevitable part of sports but inserting some efficient avoidance tactics while you play can diminish your injury prone state considerably.

Sports injuries are generally caused due to overuse or trauma. Of the two causes, overuse is the most common injury reported in athletes.

Here are 10 expert tips to help avoid the common sports injuries you see routinely.

Tip #1 Give due importance to physical conditioning

While professional athletes know the significance of physical conditioning, kids and adults who play sports of any kind casually plunge into the play without any adequate training. Contrary to popular opinion, a sport doesn’t make you fit. You need to have proper training and fitness to play without succumbing to injuries. While sports physiotherapists help treat mild to moderate injuries, for severe injuries, you may need surgical and prolonged rehabilitation treatment.

Tip #2 Rules are there for a reason

Rules help to enforce safety and prevent mishaps. Following rules is the first line of defence you put up against injuries. When you abide by the rules, you will not have to contend with injuries that may keep you off the game temporarily or perpetually. With innovative and target sports massage and other physiotherapy treatments, it is now possible to recover from injuries more quickly.

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Tip #3 Get your technique right

When you practice incorrect techniques, you are more likely to be injured. Injuries during resistance training are the common examples.
Tamping down the overzealous manoeuvres and concentrating on the precise technique is the way to be free of injury and improve your performance.

Tip #4 Insure yourself with the right sports gear

Helmets, gloves, mouth guards, protective pads, and other sports equipment are available for every sports player. Sports gears are designed to provide excellent safety. Make sure you wear gear that is specified for the particular sport you are involved in.

Tip #5 Take rest as and when needed

Rest is essential for effective training in any sport. It prevents cumulative damage caused to your body weakened by the non-stop training sessions.
When athletes undergo training on consecutive days for a long time, the resulting overuse, poor judgment, and fatigue make injuries foreseeable. Such injuries need special sports massage and injury therapy to recover. Ensure you get the prescribed rest between training periods.

Tip #6 Warm your muscles

Warm-ups are the key to any physical training as they provide effective protection from injuries. Ensure you choose the appropriate warm up exercises. It need not be anything elaborate. You can do any of the following:
• Start your sport at a slow pace
• Practice exercises for stretching that are specific for your sport
• Perform mental rehearsal based on the activity

Tip #7 Cool down

Cooling down is the reverse of the warm-up tip mentioned above. This is another injury prevention technique that helps to
• Flush out toxins produced during the training
• Return the heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure to the pre-training levels.
When you cool down for a span of around 10 minutes, you can limit the muscle soreness that occurs otherwise.

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Tip #8 Don’t forget to stretch your muscles

One main reason behind injuries like tendon strain and muscle tear is poor flexibility. Stretching helps to avoid such injuries. Dynamic sports inflict plenty of pressure on muscles, making them predisposed to injuries. In the event of injury or damage caused to the muscles, having an effective sports massage helps the muscles recover their flexibility and health.

Tip #9 See a sports therapist

Professional sports physiotherapists are highly recommended as they can
• Help with proactive sports massage and injury therapy that is essential for restoring your body to the original pre-training condition
• Give valuable information on assessing, diagnosing, and treating various physical issues before the injury occurs

Tip #10 Mind your previous injuries

If you have previous sports injuries caused to any joint or muscle in your body, it can turn into a chronic issue. Getting assistance from a trained sports physiotherapist is necessary to prevent exacerbating the condition of injured parts.

In addition to the above tips, keeping your body hydrated and taking the necessary proteins will help maintain your health and limit the occurrence of muscle cramps. The indomitable nature of a good diet which complements your workout regimen the desired manner should never be overlooked. Also, incorporating a consistent stretching and strength training routine will help in making the body accustomed to the exacting training sessions. All the very best with your endeavours!